週末讀完這本「Steal Like an Artist」後,我對「Good artists copy; great artists steal」(好的藝術家抄襲但是偉大的藝術家偷竊)這句話有了很深的領會,因為這一本書真是標準的「天下文章一大"抄"」啊,這本書吸收了古今中外的許多名言,加上作者自己的品味,讓這本書實在是名副其實的「Steal Like an Artist」。
在網路搜尋這句「好的藝術家抄襲但是偉大的藝術家偷竊」的相關資料時,搜尋到了下面賈伯斯(Steven Jobs)的一段談話,由這段話可以了解到蘋果為什麼那麼的有品味,除了科技總究來是自人性以外,那就是賈伯斯很會"抄",從吸收美好音樂的精髓,加上對美麗詩詞的體會,綜合歷史,等等一切美好的人丶事、物,再配上自己的品味,進而成就了蘋果!
“It comes down to trying to expose yourself to the best things humans have done, and then try to bring those things into what you’re doing. I mean, Picasso had a saying, ‘Good artists copy; great artists steal.’ And we have always been shameless about stealing great ideas and I think part of what made the Macintosh great was that the people working on it were musicians and poets and artists and zoologists and historians who also happened to be the best computer scientists in the world.”
[pwal id=”29077403″ description=”想了解賈伯斯這段話的意思,中文翻譯,請按下列如何一個分享功能。”]「這一切其實就是試著讓自已接觸人類所產生的最美好的事物,然後將這些美好的事物融入於你的工作。我的意思是,皮卡索有一句名言,「好的藝術家抄襲但是偉大的藝術家偷竊」,而我們其實一直是在很無恥的剽竊一些很棒的點子,而且我認為麥金塔之所以很棒的部份原因是創作它的人是音樂家,詩人,藝術家,動物學家,歷史學家而他們也剛好都是世上最好的電腦科學家,」[/pwal]
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